Good morning everyone!
I hope you enjoyed the message all teaches of Year 6 class left you last week!
For today, the tasks are the following:
This week we are going to revise the recipes, and for this, we are going to take part in...
This is a task to do with your families. I will post a recipe every time we have English.
As you know, Easter is coming, and for that, I would like to share with you some traditional Easter recipes from Mallorca, my origin place :)
I invite you to do them with your families, and I would love to see you either on pictures or videos of how you do them with your families or about the final product.
Today's recipe is: CRESPELLS
100 gr. of lard or butter
100 gr. of sugar
275 gr. of flour
35 gr. of oil
35 gr. of orange juice
2 yolks
Lemon zest
Sugar to decorate
1. First of all, wash your hands and put your apron on.
2. Then, mix in a bowl the sugar, the butter, the olive oil, the lemon zest, the two yolks and the orange juice.
3. After, whip all the ingredients until you get a cream.
4. Now introduce the flour, and with the help of a fork, you can mix all the ingredients.
5. Finish mixing all the ingredinets with your hands, until you get a non-sticky dough ball.
6. Now, on a surface (table), sprinkle a bit of flour. Use a rolling pin to stretch out the dough.
7. Use molds to make different shapes.
8. Preheat the oven at 180ºC for ten minutes before you put the crespells "inside".
9. Place all the "crespells" on the oven tray. Put the tray in the oven, at 180ºC for 25 minutes. Heat up and down.
10. When the "crespells" get a gold color around, you can take them out of the oven. Let them cold down and the you can decorate them with sugar on top of them.
11. They are ready to eat! Enjoy them!
Per aquestes darreres sessions de C. Naturals, vos deix dues propostes:
Ja que hem estat treballant sobre l'energia, i molts de vosaltres vareu proposar energia eòlica per a les vostres empreses, vos propòs fabricar un generador eòlic casolà amb materials reciclats. Podeu utilitzar materials diversos.
Ja que hem estat treballant sobre l'energia, i molts de vosaltres vareu proposar energia eòlica per a les vostres empreses, vos propòs fabricar un generador eòlic casolà amb materials reciclats. Podeu utilitzar materials diversos.
Aquí teniu un enllaç d'un exemple de com fer-ho: Generador eòlic casolà
Bon dia a tots/es!!
Avui acabarem la segona part de la sorpresa.
Una abraçada a tots/es i a les vostres famílies!! Cuidau-vos molt!!
Revisar el blog d’Educació Física.
Que passeu un molt bon dia!
Una forta abraçada a totes i a tots!
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