dilluns, 6 d’abril del 2020

Dilluns 6 d'abril

Good morning everyone!!


Before we start, I must say that I am very impressive about your cooking skills! I am so happy seeing you cooking the recipes suggested here, for this, tomorrow you will have a surprise as a last day of Master Chef Junior.

* I will keep posting your pictures at Master Chef Junior Post today.

Hello Easter Stock Illustrations – 2,068 Hello Easter Stock ...

But for today... as you might know, Easter is comming, so you have a simple & funny new recipe: Easter Bunny Pancakes! So, let's start the week with good energy!

  • One cup of flour
  • One cup of milk
  • One large egg
  • Some salt
  • Some butter or oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Some sugar

1.Wash your hands and put your aprons on.
2. Fill one cup with flour and put into a bowl. 
3. Fill another cup with milk and pour into the bowl. 
4. Crack the egg into the bowl and whisk the flour, milk and egg until the mixture is smooth. 
5. Put a very small amount of butter or oil in a pan, and when it is hot, put some mixture in the pan and move the pan to make a thin pancake. 
6. After one minute hold the pan carefully and throw or toss the pancake in the air to turn it over. 
7. Now cook the pancake on the other side.
8. When the pancake is ready, squeeze some lemon juice and put some sugar on it and eat it immediately. 
* If you don’t like lemon juice, eat them with jam, chocolate sauce or ice cream. 

Mmm, delicious! 

I am looking forward to seeing your creations!


Per aquesta setmana teniu la següent proposta: Experiment: trenca la llum.

L'experiment: el paper reciclat - Super3


Bon dia a tothom!!!! Esper que esteu tots bé!!!!

Primer de tot, gràcies per haver-me enviat els problemes. N’hi ha hagut de tot color… Ja els anirem fent…

La solució al problema de divendres és la següent: En Toni té 7 jocs i n’Eneko en té 5.

Avui us posaré un problema dels que em vareu enviar. Aquest me’l va enviar en Wisam.

En Wisam, n’Eneko i en Pablo van a comprar al supermercat menjar per a la festa de  fi de curs de 6è. Als tres animalots els hi han demanat 3 bosses de patates Lays, sucs de taronja, pinya i poma (2 de cada)  i 2 tartes de xocolata i torró. Si paguen amb un bitllet de 50, quant els hi retornaran?

Cada cartró de suc de taronja:2,35 euros
Cada cartró de suc de pinya: 2,13 euros
Cada cartró de suc de poma: 2,07 euros
Cada tarta de xocolata i torró: 1,74 euros
Cada bolsa de patates: 1,20 euros

Ànim que ja queda menys!!


Revisar el blog d’Educació Física.

Have a wonderful day!

We miss you all!

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